Chinese economic relations with Portugal (part I)

 In a globalized world, does it matter where goods end equipment are produced? Is it just a matter of comparative advantages as the liberal economic thought usually states? 1. With globalization and the insertion in the international capitalist economy — particularly after joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 —, China’s economic attractiveness had …

Chinese economic diplomacy regarding Portugal: promoting business or concealing geopolitical ambitions?

Abstract The main purpose of this paper is to explore the objectives and possible consequences of the Chinese investments in Portugal in the last decade. Are they business as usual in a globalized economy, or something else inside a broad political strategy? Trying to answer this question, the approach will be made both through the …

A guerra por outros meios EUA-China, ano I

A guerra comercial que eclodiu entre os EUA a China em inícios de 2018 é um episódio que não deve ser lido isoladamente, nem avaliado por apenas por lentes económicas e comerciais. 1. A China é um gigante com pés de barro, um guerreiro de terracota que se desfaz com a pressão comercial e política …